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Did you know?
- Wood is a renewable resource
- There are more trees today in the United States than there were 100 years ago
- The United States still has 70% of the forests that existed in 1600
- More trees grow than are harvested each year: Michigan is the #1 state in
timber surplus
- Michigan forests grow 1032 million cubic feet per year, while 322 million
cubic feet is harvested each year. Therefore Michigan has an annual
surplus of 710 million cubic feet
- Every year, an acre of trees is able to process 13 tons of harmful gases
into oxygen
- Since 1980, timberland in Michigan has increased by more than a million
- Michigan forests are growing more than twice the wood than is
harvested each year
- Nature reclaims trees that are not harvested due to insects, storms,
diseases, and fires
- In Michigan, 202 million feet of lumber is lost annually to natural causes
- Over 30 million trees are planted in Michigan every year
- Auto Pallets-Boxes Inc. conducts forest management and selective logging
on a large parcel of private land in Northern Michigan (see Corporate
Information gathered primarily from the Michigan
Forest Resource Alliance at 1-800-474-1718 and the National
Hardwood Lumber Association at (901) 377-1818 |

Little Sauble Lake
Lake County, Michigan